
Daughter book with a plant

‘Daughter’ by Laura Dill

“Daughter” written by our founder Laura Dill, shares her journey as a caregiver in this poignant memoir. Dill provides readers a heartfelt account of love, loss an resilience, inspiring readers with her unwavering dedication and lessons learned along the way. She reminds us all that you are never alone.

Get your copy of “Daughter” today -  available to purchase on Amazon!

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The Roon App

Roon app for glioblastoma offers a comprehensive toolkit for caregivers and patients alike, providing resources to better manage care, connect with experts and obtain vital information to empower users to make informed decisions. 

Laura Dill smiling resting her hands and face on a stack of her book Daughter

Join us in supporting other Glioblastoma and brain tumor organizations alike.

Together, we can provide additional resources and information to further our fight, drive awareness, and ultimately, find a cure. 

American Brain Tumor Association

Brain Cancer Canada

Brain Tumour Foundation, Canada

Glioblastoma Foundation

Glioblastoma Reserach Organization

Gray for Glioblastoma 

Head for the Cure

Stache Strong

National Brain Tumor Society