Our Story

About Laura

When my dad was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, I resolved to spend as much time with him as possible.

As a busy wife and mother of three, while running three businesses from my home in Ottawa, I wanted to make the most of every remaining minute I had with him.

14 days later, on my 37th birthday, my mom suffered a seizure and collapsed in her kitchen.

She was diagnosed with the same disease — her tumor the same size, in the same part of the brain — and given the same grim prognosis.

I went from having two healthy parents to 14 days later having two parents who had a year to live, and within the year I had two parents who are dead.

Fueled by grief and passion to make a difference, Slay Society was born in 2020.

About Slay Society Inc.

Slay Society promotes a healthy experience for caregivers and those living with Glioblastoma by providing individuals diagnosed, their families, and caregivers with financial assistance and access to related counseling, information, and group support programs.


Unite a diverse community in raising awareness and providing financial support to families impacted by Glioblastoma.


Empower patients and their caregivers with adequate support and ample funding to navigate life with Glioblastoma without ever feeling alone.

“All we can do is slay one dragon at a time”

- Laura Dill, Founder of Slay Society