Supporting families while they slay their dragons

  • Build Community

    At Slay Society, we foster a compassionate community where caregivers can connect, share experiences, and find strength in solidarity.

  • Support Caregivers

    Offering unwavering support, financial assistance, and resources to navigate the challenges of caregiving with resilience and compassion.

  • Raise GBM Awareness

    Through advocacy, education, and fundraising, we strive to increase awareness about Glioblastoma and its impact on individuals & families.

Grief and Loss Support

Coping with a loss? You are not alone. Join our Grief and Loss support group to process emotions and find solace in shared experiences. Together, you can discover pathways to healing and meaning amist grief.

Learn more about the grief and loss group

Caregiver Support

No two paths are alike with brain cancer. Discover strategies and connect with fellow caregivers as you navigate the challenges of caregiving with our compassionate community.

Learn more about the caregiver support group

Make a donation.

Your donation empowers us to provide assistance and relief to those bravely navigating the challenges of Glioblastoma caregiving, ensuring no caregiver  faces their journey alone. Support Slay Society and our dedicated caregivers today!

Upcoming events

  • Yuk Yuk's Comedy Show

    Friday, August 23rd

    Location: Yuk Yuk’s (Ottowa West)

    Join us for a night of laughter and fundraising with comedian, Carly Baker!

  • Holiday Advent 2024

    Month of December

    Our Annual Holiday Advent event brings joy to those battling Glioblastoma diagnoses during the holiday season.


When my dad was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, I resolved to spend as much time with him as possible.

As a busy wife and mother of three, while running three businesses from my home in Ottawa, I wanted to make the most of every remaining minute I had with him.

14 days later, on my 37th birthday, my mom suffered a seizure and collapsed in her kitchen.

She was diagnosed with the same disease — her tumor the same size, in the same part of the brain — and given the same grim prognosis.

I went from having two healthy parents to 14 days later having two parents who had a year to live, and within the year I had two parents who are dead.

Fuled by grief and passion to make a difference, Slay Society was born in 2020.

GBM Facts


GBM accounts for 48 percent of all primary malignant brain tumors


Despite first being identified in scientific literature in the 1920s, there are only four FDA approved drugs to treat glioblastoma.


According to thought leaders in medicine, the causes of GBM remain unknown and the disease can affect all ages and genders.